How it all began
Rolling back the years to 1935
The UK was cheering up as it emerged from the Great Depression. Here in Grayshott, Charlotte Lyndon, a Parish Councillor, had more immediate concerns: since the turn of the century the population of Grayshott had doubled to some 1200 and housing developments were raising fears that Grayshott would lose its identity as a rural village. But, despite all the building going on the cost of the new housing was out of reach of a number of residents. Since the early 1920’s Mrs Lyndon, backed by Grayshott Parish Council, had been pressing the District Council to build at least a few homes at reasonable rents of not more than 12 shillings a week. Average earnings for farm workers, the intended tenants, was just £1.12s. for a 50-hour week.
Frustrated by the lack of action she brought together a small group of interested local people in the autumn of 1935 to form a committee to raise loans to buy a piece of land on which twelve cottages could be built.
In the December of 1935, Grayshott and District Housing Association formally came into being, with the aim of providing social housing for local people. Unfortunately, the Association could not find a suitable site on which to build, but luckily in 1936 two sites, each with six houses on them came on to the market; these it snapped up funded by loans and public subscriptions. The Housing Association became a reality in bricks and mortar, although much renovation still needed to be done.

Sadly, Mrs Lyndon did not enjoy her success for long as in October 1936 she died suddenly. Described by one commentator as ‘a shy woman who carried out many acts of kindness by stealth’, Charlotte was a formidable woman: Lady Superintendent of the Hospital in the Cenacle, Chairman of the Parish Council for many years, a District Councillor and a Justice of the Peace. She was also one of the originators of the scheme which led to the opening of the Fox and Pelican.
Mrs Lyndon was succeeded as Chairman of GDHA by her husband Dr. Arnold Lyndon. For a time, the Association didn’t look to extend its stock of houses as the District Council had started to build Council Housing.

These twelve houses constituted the Association’s housing stock until 1960 when Miss Pearman, a founding member of the Association, gave two houses, followed by five more in succeeding years and provided for three newly built bungalows. Then in 1990 the Committee appealed for additional capital to construct a block of four flats on land bequeathed by Mrs Lyndon: supported by donations from the village, loans from individuals and charities and a small donation from East Hampshire District Council, they were completed in 1992.
In 1995 the Association bought a property from Grayshott Parish Council originally bequeathed to the Council by Mrs Lyndon, having been the club room of Grayshott Tennis Club and the home of the recreation-ground keeper. The house was bought at a reduced valuation on condition that G&DHA carried out various items of repair/upgrading and that the groundsman remain in residence.
This brought the Association’s stock up to 30 properties.
Mrs Lyndon and Miss Pearman were two remarkably generous ladies, without whom the Association may never have existed; the village is deeply indebted to them.
More recent developments...
Planning Permission was obtained for a single new house in 2014 and this was built using G&DHA reserves, the first new building for over twenty years.
In 2019, following a review of all the G&DHA housing stock a village consultation was held on the proposal to demolish two semi-detached properties and Western Lodge flats to be replaced with 14 one and two bedroom flats. This received overwhelming support from the village and the tenants who needed to be moved, these were completed in 2021.
A dilapidated two-bedroom property was purchased in 2024 with a view to redevelop it and the neighbouring property, already owned by G&DHA, into three, three-bedroom houses. A planning application has been submitted for three, three bed terraced houses.
A Trustee Board conducts the business of the Association; all members give their time voluntarily; a Housing Administrator is employed part-time. The Trustee Board of ten local people is very conscious of the Association’s charitable aims and looks to continue to provide good quality homes at rents well below market levels. With so much voluntary input the administrative costs are very low helping to hold down rents. Trustees are regularly recruited to ensure succession and to secure the skills and experience necessary.
Over the years several properties have been enlarged or substantially renovated, double glazing and central heating installed as well as eight roofs being completely renewed. The Board has established an annual inspection and maintenance programme.
A review of the constitution by a specialist housing consultant led to the conclusion that the present status should be retained, and G&DHA operate as a small efficient organisation serving the village community.

Grayshott & District Housing Association is registered under an Act that came into force in August 2015 as a Community Benefit Society with charitable rules, but unlike the larger Housing Associations it is not registered with the Regulator of Social Housing. This means that there is a degree of independence, and the Association is not weighed down by a mass of regulation and reporting which would be inappropriate to its small size and would be costly. As it is not a Registered Social Landlord, tenants do not have a Right to Buy.
There was an agreement with a larger HCA registered Housing Association to advise on future development opportunities, and a Development Agreement was made in 2016 with the English Rural Housing Association to manage the flats building programme.