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Our Aims and Structure

The Association is formed for the benefit of the community. Its charitable objects are to carry on for the benefit of the community of Grayshott and district:


  • the business of providing and managing housing, including Social Housing, and providing assistance to help house people and associated facilities, amenities and services;

  • any other charitable object which is connected with or incidental to the provision of housing

The Association is not registered with the Regulator of Social Housing (previously the HCA) because it is not large enough to derive any benefit from such registration. It is not, therefore, a Registered Social Landlord (RSL). Because the Association is not an RSL, none of the properties can be bought by tenants.


A Trustee Board conducts the business of the Association; all members give their time voluntarily; a Housing Administrator is employed part-time. The Trustee Board of ten local people is very conscious of the Association’s charitable aims and looks to continue to provide good quality homes at rents well below market levels. With so much voluntary input the administrative costs are very low helping to hold down rents. Trustees are recruited to ensure succession and to secure the skills and experience necessary, such as finance, buildings maintenance, tenant welfare and communications.


Members of the Board are Trustees and hold a £1.00 share in the Association. The Board has set up five committees that oversee Finance, Development, Maintenance, Rent and Large Projects. The Association holds significant reserves, invested with the aim of maintaining the properties and creating new affordable housing within the village and immediate area.

Over the years several properties have been enlarged or substantially renovated, double glazing and central heating installed as well as eight roofs being completely renewed. The Board has established an annual inspection and maintenance programme. Refurbishments take place when there is a void property.


Planning Permission was obtained for a single new house in Beech Hanger Road, and this was built using G&DHA reserves, the first new building for over twenty years. In 2019 a much larger project was started in Crossways Road, with the demolition of four flats and two houses in poor condition being replaced with fourteen flats. Tenants were moved to other G&DHA properties over a period to allow for the demolition.

House graphic in turquoise.

Teresa Jamieson


Simon Clare

Vice-Chair, Chair Development

Susan Grainger

Chair Allocations

Paul Hodges

Chair Projects

James McStay

Board Member

Katie Weir

Board Member

Richard Berridge

Vice Chair

Colin Gow

Treasurer / Chair Finance & Rent

Ewen Hill

Chair Maintenance

Dave Zack

Chair Technology

Trevor Soar

Board Member

G&DHA Trustees

Trustees elected at the January 2025 AGM are as follows:

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